Friday, May 27, 2016

Fulton Sheen on the Rosary

Fulton Sheen on the Rosary

In 1951, Archbishop Fulton Sheen as the National Director of the Society of the Propagation of the Faith  proposed the Mission Rosary to promote unity and world peace. Sheen believed that we needed to pray not just for ourselves but for the whole world, especially the poor and vulnerable at home and throughout the world.

 Each decade of the Rosary is in a different color, denoting five regions of the earth (as Oceania or "the Pacific Islands" are not quite a continent and the Americas are two continents).  The idea is that the faithful could reflect and pray for these regions as they reflect on the Holy Mysteries of the Rosary.

Archbishop Sheen invited the People of God to spiritually take a tour of the world as they prayed the Rosary making a spiritual work of mercy by helping the Holy Father in evangelizing the world.  

Sunday, May 22, 2016

Getting the Irish Up on Bad Holy Trinity Analogies

Kudos to Rev. Hans Fiene, the Pastor of River of Life Lutheran Church in Channahon, Illinois, who published another amusing and informative video which parallels the call for the New Evangelization which has emanated from the Vatican.  

This Lutheran Satire piece skewers the flawed analogies which the faithful try to make sense of the Holy Trinity and points out the heresies associated with such mistaken metaphors. 

No wonder John Wesley thought that worms could understand a man as well as man can comprehend a triune God.

Mulling Over the Holy Trinity

John Wesley on the Holy Trinity

Yet Nun on the Run (1990) seem to stumble into the truth about the Holy Trinity.

Sunday, May 15, 2016

St. Josemaria Escriva's Prayer to the Holy Spirit

Come, O Holy Spirit:
Enlight my understanding
To know your commands;
Strenthen my
Against the wiles of the enemy;
Inflame my will…
I have have heard your voice
And I don't want to harden
My heart to resisting,
By saying 'later…tomorrow.'
Nunc coepi! Now!
Lest there be no tomorrow for me!
O, Spirit of truth and wisdom,
Spirit of understanding and counsel,
Spirit of joy and peace!
I want what you want,
I want it because you want it,
I want it when you want it.
                            ~ St Josemaria Escriva 

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Commemorating Holocaust Remembrance Day

Etty Hillesum Holocaust Remembrance Day

 Note how all traffic stops on ten lanes of the busy Ayalon highway in Tel Aviv, Israel when the sirens sound marking the moment of silence to remember victims of the Holocaust.


Thursday, May 5, 2016

Shouting It Aloud: The 2016 National Day of Prayer

The theme for the 65th annual National Day of Prayer is Isaiah 58 - a call to prayer and fasting for our peoples' transgressions.

In a nation that not only continues to countenance Planned Parenthood kill unborning children but profiting from the sale of baby body parts, such a call is apt. To add injury to insult, some governments are prosecuting the whistle blowers in lieu of the abortionists who are engaged in prima facia illegal practices. 

The Supreme Court broke with 5,000 years of human civilization and legalized same sex so called marriage, but forced it upon all states with a dubious application of the 14th Amendment and a fuzzy "Right to Dignity".

And over the last year, progressive LGBTQQ? activists have been fighting to break down privacy barriers to allow people claiming gender dysphoria to use bathrooms opposite to their biological designation, which opens the door for perverts (non-transvestites citing gender fluidity) easy access to public facilities.  But if one points out that there are only two sexes (as shown through chromosomes), social justice warriors will unmercifully attack and isolate the individual not speaking the politically correct shibboleth.

Thus is seems apt to focus on asking the Lord for forgiveness and seeking to fast.

Alas, even fasting is a facet for this culture to mock.  Recently, Glenn Beck called for his audience to fast for America as it was on the precipice of choosing the major party candidates for press.  Yet even some right wing media outlets like Breitbart and the Drudge Report (both of which have been heavily skewed for supporting Donald Trump), found this clarion call a moment for mockery.

Some may cynically question if a call to prayer will matter. Bible believers should recall the walls came tumbling down in Jericho by those humbling themselves and following divine will.  Many attribute the stop of Islamic incursions into Europe during the 16th century in the Battle of Lepanto because of the call by Pope Pius V to pray the Rosary via the intervention of Our Lady of Victory (now called Our Lady of the Rosary).  The American Revolution was bolstered by the first Great Revival and the prayful action of the Black Robe Regiment.

The 2016 National Day of Prayer will have 47,000 separate events. This is the time to shout it out loud.